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![TW1061T-USA [Roll] TW1061T-USA [Roll]](
$289.88 Features:
- Full Case Containing 30 Rolls of Tie Wire
- Buy from an authorized Max USA Master Distributor
- Annealed steel wire – diameter 1.0mm
- For use with MAX RB441T TwinTier, RB611T, and RB401T-E TwinTier

![TW1061T-USA [Roll] TW1061T-USA [Roll]](
$370.85 Features:
- Wire steel is melted, annealed, and drawn in the U.S.A
- Steel mill certification available
- For use with MAX RB441T TwinTier and RB401T-E TwinTier
![TW1061T-EG [Roll]](
![TW1061T-USA [Roll] TW1061T-USA [Roll]](
$366.10 Features:
- Galvanized Wire Resists Rust and Corrosion
- Steel mill certification available
- 19 Guage Rebar Tie Wire
- For use with MAX RB441T TwinTier and RB401T-E TwinTier

$279.64 Features
- 21 Gauge Steel Tie Wire
- Bare steel with no coating
- For use with MAX RB397, RB398, RB517 and RB518
$640.99 Features:
- Poly Coated Wire Resists Rust and Corrosion
- Use with epoxy coated rebar
- 19 Guage Rebar Tie Wire
- For use with MAX RB441T TwinTier and RB401T-E TwinTier

$172.60 Features:
- Made of carbon steel wire
- Tangle-free unwinding
- Full case count – 20 rolls

$8.67 Features
- 21 Gauge Steel Tie Wire
- Bare steel with no coating
- For use with MAX RB397, RB398, RB517 and RB518

TW1525 Max 16ga Regular Steel Tie Wire for MAX RB655 series

- 21 Gauge Steel Tie Wire
- Bare steel with no coating
- For use with MAX RB397, RB398, RB517 and RB518

![TW1061T-USA [Roll] TW1061T-USA [Roll]](data:image/svg+xml;nitro-empty-id=MTIzNTozMjg4-1;base64,PHN2ZyB2aWV3Qm94PSIwIDAgNjAwIDYwMCIgd2lkdGg9IjYwMCIgaGVpZ2h0PSI2MDAiIHhtbG5zPSJodHRwOi8vd3d3LnczLm9yZy8yMDAwL3N2ZyI+PC9zdmc+)
- Full pallet 48 Cases Tie Wire
- Buy from an authorized Max USA Master Distributor
- Annealed steel wire – diameter 1.0mm
- For use with MAX RB441T, RB443T TwinTier, RB611T, and RB401T-E TwinTier
$29.99 Features:
- Poly Coated Wire Resists Rust and Corrosion
- Use with epoxy coated rebar
- 19 Guage Rebar Tie Wire
- For use with MAX RB441T TwinTier and RB401T-E TwinTier

$59.99 [10 Roll Pack] Max TW898-10 Regular Tie Wire “10 Individual rolls of tie wire without original packaging” Condition: Open box Max TW898 Rebar Tie Wire for RB217, RB218, RB397, RB398, RB517, RB518 Regular Black Annealed steel tie wire for MAX Rebar tiers. 21 gauge, 10 rolls. Approx. 180-210 ties per roll for models RB217, RB218….

TW898 S Max 21ga Stainless Steel Tie Wire for MAX RB398 series

$357.11 Features
- Wire steel is melted, annealed and drawn in the U.S.A
- Steel mill certification available
- For use with MAX RB397, RB398, RB517 and RB518

- 21 Gauge Electro Galvanized Steel Tie Wire
- Excellent resistance to corrosion and rust
- For use with MAX RB397, RB398, RB517 and RB518

- Stainless Steel Wire Resists Rust and Corrosion
- Use with stainless steel rebar
- 19 Gauge Rebar Tie Wire
- For use with MAX RB441T TwinTier and RB401T-E TwinTier